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take your Organization
to the next level

The ability to grow as an organization rests on how you empower your people as strategic partners. 

We provide strategic facilitators – Rhydlers – who will help you use strategy so your teams can provide innovative solutions as your business scales. 

Our experts help your teams achieve extraordinary results.

your Business


Foundations of Trust

Delineate strategy to empower followership. This leads to greater levels of trust and creates strategic cohesion.


Strategic Followership

Creating a culture of active engagement, sharing of ideas, and open, thoughtful, communication and transparency. 


Optimizing Teamwork

Leadership, management, and followership align with mutual strategic understanding and purpose. 

our work

Strategic Guidance

Working with organizational leadership to engage strategy for success.


Our team of experts. Each one a specialist. Each one focused on your success. Each one a Rhydler at heart.

Leader- FOllowers optimization

Creating clear lines of authority and responsibility through followership and leadership optimization.

One on One Training

Taking individuals to the next level. We provide leaders the opportunity to learn and grow. Bringing strategy to a whole new level of engagement.

our Approach

We Guide Strategy by asking lots of deep, difficult questions.

Our job is to engage proactive followership and open the way for innovative solutions

We believe that focusing on strategy creates a culture of engaged followership, open communication, active participation, and cooperation. 

Our experts work with you as strategic partners – asking hard questions that lead to clear objectives and results.

Our Rhydlers do not come in and take over leadership. They bring a followership centric perspective that allows everyone to see that their role and position is an essential as you scale.

By moving away from leadership bias, we make room for each individual to contribute more than they would otherwise. To take responsibility and ownership over their part in the strategic scaling process.

And by asking deep questions, our Rhydlers help teach leaders and followers to engage strategically establishes alignment, maintains internal sustainability, protects against burnout, and improves teamwork.

Our focus on strategy and followership is based on the research and experience of Dr. David Leitner, our Chief Rhydler. 

Why Us?


We’ve heard all about leadership – but we don’t believe that coming from a position of leadership bias helps to create sound strategy or engaged followers.


Leadership doesn’t come from who you are, it comes from the strategic process you guide. Getting everyone to focus on strategy means we are all on the same page.

15+ Years of

With over 15 years experience as a leadership, followership, and strategy facilitator, Dr. D and his team have worked with people at all levels to improve how they engage strategy to scale their business successfully.

Want to scale? A strategic Focus with Empowered followership is important for every industry. Every Organization. Every Team.

Ready to Scale?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.